Youth Baseball Program Details

Important Dates and Times

  • The season will run from the first Saturday in May till the last Saturday in June
  • Online Registration opens February 1st at Midnight
  • Cost: $70 for tee ball and coach pitch, $80 for minors, $100 for majors
  • All players get a major league replica jersey and baseball hat.
  • Tee Ball (6U), Coach Pitch (8U) games are played Saturdays between 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, depending on the league. 
  • Minors (10U) has games at 9am on Saturday morning and one practice night during the week
  • Majors (12U) is a greater baseball commitment with games played weeknights and multiple practices per week during the season.


  • Birth date cutoff for ALL leagues is 05/01/2025 (Child cannot be older than age group before May 1, 2025) (Exceptions at our Commissioner’s Discretion) It is recommended that Tee Ball participants should be 5 by 05/01/2025.
  • Special requests for team assignments will be considered but cannot always be fulfilled.
  • G&T will provide age appropriate balls, bats, helmets, and jerseys for each level.  Players will be responsible to bring their own glove, cleats, and baseball pants (shorts are acceptable for T-ball and Coach Pitch).  Players may bring their own bat and helmet but they must meet all NOCSAE standards (stamped on helmet), or Little League approved bats.

Ministry Goals

G&T Baseball is a sports outreach ministry of First Bible Baptist Church and is dedicated to fulfilling the vision, purpose and goals of FBBC.

It is the goal of G&T baseball to teach and develop game skills as well as good sportsmanship and biblical values in a family-friendly atmosphere. Using the game of baseball, G&T is working to encourage young people to enjoy optimum health and fitness. We also encourage good spiritual disciplines by regularly presenting “pep talks” – lessons from the Bible which are practical, challenging and informative.


We encourage parents to stay with their children throughout each session and enjoy the fun! If you’ve been involved in years past, welcome back. If you’re joining us for the very first time, welcome and thank you for choosing G&T Youth Baseball. To register, click HERE. Should you need more information, feel free to contact us through email or call the church office at (585) 392-0777.



All games will be played at:

Grace & Truth SportsPark 373 North Greece Road Hilton, NY 14468 – We are 15 minutes from Rochester and 5 minutes from Greece!


Join Us Sunday

Sundays, 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM