Looking to beat the winter blues? Improve your volleyball skills and make new friends in the winter season with G&T Coed Indoor Volleyball!
Ministry Purpose
The purpose of G&T Volleyball is to unite young adults, families and friends, couples, teenagers and neighbors in a fun-filled, recreational atmosphere as we introduce G&T Athletics and First Bible Baptist Church to our community.
Important Dates & Times
All prospective participants will be qualified by a panel of “league captains” who will determine eligibility.
Any interested player can register, but if not qualified by our panel, a refund will be made and a notice of disqualification will be sent. We do apologize in advance if you are disqualified, but there really is no easy way to say that our panel does not think you are good enough. Please understand that they are simply trying to hold a high standard for skill level so the league remains attractive to the rest of the participants
All Power League participants must “tryout” for the league so that our panel can evaluate your abilities and make a decision accordingly whether or not your skill level is a good match for the rest of the players in the league. (If you think your skills are borderline, please be sure to register for our Rec League as well so you at least have a spot reserved there and everyone is welcome to signup and play in that league.)
Age requirements: You must be at least 16 years of age on the first game of the season – Exceptions will need to be approved by the Director and/or Commissioner.
Qualified participants should demonstrate confidence in all fundamentals of the game, be able to play all positions, understand rotations and role shifting and have a command of the rules of the game.
The teams will be created by a captains-draft facilitated by the league director(s) and the registration process will allow a person to register to be on a team with one other person.There will be a good chance that they will all play together but it cannot be guaranteed.
Game Times will be in the 9:30 & 10:30 pm time slots with a maximum of 4 teams (28 people). We could bump this number up if there is a high demand but will cap it here for now. You will be put on a waiting list until a final decision is made to bump the number of teams OR hold the 4 team cap.
An introductory time will be held on the first week to educate participants on expectations and rules. Captains are encouraged to open and close their teams game times every week in prayer with maybe a brief invitation for prayer requests and an encouraging word.
Captains will rotate responsibility in sharing a brief charge/encouraging word each week with the league. They are also encouraged to open and close their teams game times every week in prayer with maybe a brief invitation for prayer requests.
The cost for this league is $40
The cost for playing in both leagues is $60.
All games will be played at:
Northstar Christian Academy 332 Spencerport Road Rochester, NY 14606